To buy Erucamidopropyl dimethyl amine oxide,PKO-E CAS 149968-48-9 from China factory BLIT Chemical.Erucamidopropyl dimethyl amine oxide is cosmetic ingredient.Get price,COA,TDS,MSDS please email to
أكسيد ثنائي ميثيل أمين إروكاميدوبروبيل PKO-E CAS 149968-48-9
- CAS: 149968-48-9
- Synonyms: PKO-E,Erucamidopropyl dimethyl amine
- Molecular Formula: C27H54N2O
- الدرجة: درجة تجميلية
- العبوة: 200 كجم/برميل أو حسب الحاجة
Erucamidopropyl dimethyl amine oxide,PKO-E,CAS 149968-48-9 is little yellow soild.Erucamidopropyl dimethyl amine oxide, is used as an emulsifier, softener, antistatic agent, thickener and bactericide, etc.
Appearance(25℃) | Light yellow solid or liquid |
قيمة الأمين، ملغم KOH/جم | 120-145 |
Free fatty acid,% | ≤2.0 |
It is used as an emulsifier, softener, antistatic agent, thickener and bactericide, etc. It can be used in cosmetics, industrial cleaning, pesticide adjuvant, metal processing, petroleum, textile and other industries. As a viscoelastic surfactant (VES) for acidification, it is used for acid fracturing in oil fields.
200 كجم/برميل، 16 متر/20 قدم
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